Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Song Challenge - Day 2 two. It's maybe a little easier. But only a little. I'll still have to take awhile to think about it because...well, again with the SO MANY CHOICES.

Day 2:
Your LEAST favorite song.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Song Challenge - Day 1

Okay...I'm stealing this from my friend, Kristi, on Facebook. You may have already seen her responses if you are mutual friends/family. But she doesn't have people replying to hers with any frequency and didn't ask for replies, and I'm curious about everyone's responses. So...if you want...come up with an answer to each of these. There are 30 questions, so thirty days. (Or 6 weeks if I get lazy and don't post on the weekend...always a possibility!)

Day 1: Your Favorite Song

I'm going to think about this one a little while and will post in a bit. There are SO MANY!

If you want to, post a like to your song on youtube so we can all hear it.